
  • The Archer and Songbird

    She doesn't know why it all went wrong, but she knows exactly what they weren't mistake. A/N: So... it's small peace of verve, if you like it, I write more.

  • Falling Further In

    Simple verse writing after 5х03 ending. When Ezra asked: "What should I do?" Ezria, I think.

  • When they meet again

    Они снова встретились, но какую цену им пришлось за это заплатить... Драббл, написан под влиянием прочитанного спойлера. Лично я только так вижу конец Дэт. AU/OCC. Смерть персонажа.

  • The Life Story

    New poem about our favorite Ezria. EzriaFreak thank you for the inspiration and support, you pushes me to new work:)

  • After The Storm

    This verse is a continuation of my previous poems. Beginning of the fifth season. Hospital ward. Pair. Thought. Generally Ezria.

  • Storm Comes

    Yesterday we had a thunderstorm and verse itself was born. I don't know how to rhyme this time, but I could not hide this verse. Post 4 season finale. On behalf of the Aria. EZRIA

  • Player

    Verse was written on behalf of Aria. After the scene talk Ezra Aria on a swing. Ezria or something like this.

  • B-26 (my version or Aria's)

    My version of the poem. If it was not written by Ezra but Aria.

  • Intimacy

    Трагический взгляд на отношения Оливера и Фелисити. В сопровождении песни "So Cold" (Ben Cocks).

  • Unapologize

    Фелисити просто хотела забыть о их разговоре прошлой ночью, но радио было явно не на ее стороне.

  • The Girl Named Happiness

    В канун своего двадцать пятого дня рождения, она решила побыть на едине с собой