

  • When Genres Collide

    Clary is the lead guitarist and singer of the heavy rock band, The Demons. Jace is a member of the most poppy group around. What happens when their genres collide and they go on tour? *Dark themes and lemons* *Under age drinking* Sorry that my summery sucks - - Clace and the usual ships!

  • Welcome to St Xav's!

    Set after CoHF and Seeking Crystal. The Clave have found out about the secret race of Savants and have added the Savant Net into the group of Downworlders. They have decided to make a school where Shadowhunters and Savants learn together. What happens when Clary and the gang interfere with the infamous Benedicts?

  • The Memory

    Clary caught Jace cheating on her... Set after CoHF (There IS NOT ANY SPOILERS)

  • Finding The Mortal Instruments

    After Jace and Clary finish reading Finding Sky, they decide to portal to Colorado. However, when they meet the Benedicts, Clary finds out a huge secret that could change her life forever. How will she cope?

  • First Day - ONESHOT

    ONESHOT. CLACE. Clary has moved to New Jersey and is starting at Bellville High.

  • Finding Sky: Meeting the Kelly's

    The scene when Sky meets The Kelly's rewritten.