
  • Tale As Old As Time

    Both a little scared. Neither one prepared. *ON HIATUS* D:

  • Boston Sky King

    This is the one shot that I promised a long while ago- I'm so sorry! You don't have to really know anything about Sailor Uranus or Neptune, other than the fact that they're like anime!Rizzles. No, there will not be another chapter, it was hard enough to make both worlds fit into one. I hope you like it, it was actually very fun to write. :p

  • Living My Life in a Slow Hell

    One shot inspired by the song "Pictures".

  • Impact

    Just a little one shot about Jane being her charming self at the dentist. Inspired by that video that went viral a few years back.

  • Oblivion

    Jane catches a case that hits a little too close to home while Maura's on vacation. Will they both realize how much they need each other, personally and professionally, during this time of need?

  • Silent Night

    Old story that I revamped. Not entirely happy, but no death or anything. You may remember seeing it before. :)

  • Halo

    "It's so tiny, likely for a newborn. The little piece of white knitted yarn. A little "B" that was close enough to the Red Sox logo to be recognizable, burns into your vision forever. You turn it over in your hands and then your heart shatters."

  • Rude

    Constance says no. Jane doesn't care.

  • Jane & Maura's Infinite Playlist

    I took requests on Tumblr for songs that I would write Rizzles one-shots to. A few managed to make into multi-chapters, but they're labelled. Note that only a small few actually use lyrics, I generally try to tell the story behind the song. Ratings are all over the board! I love to hear what you're thinking of them. :D

  • Love Ya, See Ya

    "How come "Ann Jane" is never here when Daddy is? Do they not share well?"

  • Hey Pretty Girl

    Inspired by the video made by mnhooch on tumblr. :) This is part of my Playlist fic, but it was requested to be uploaded separately so people could find it. :D Thanks!

  • Don't Take The Girl

    I was asked to upload this one separately from my other story: Jane and Maura's Infinite Playlist. I made the best of a sad song, enjoy :)

  • Lord Have Mercy on the Frozen Man

    One of the smaller story arcs in Jane & Maura's Infinite Playlist that folks asked for separately so they didn't have to wade through all the other chapters. Maura and her son find something in a barn that could change their lives.

  • Queen of the Dead

    Another mini story that was worked into Jane and Maura's Infinite Playlist, made separate by request. Why do the other inmates call her "Queen of the Dead"?

  • Soulmates

    Someone on Tumblr dared me to write the saddest fic that I could without any major character death, so I did. Then others begged me for some resolution, so I caved and did it. What if you knew the exact date and time that you would meet your soulmate? The last of my story arcs in Jane and Maura's Infinite Playlist, made separate per request. :)

  • You Are Perfect (To Me)

    Written for the Rizzles Fanfic Challenge. The week's theme was "Acceptance".