Jack HasSpareTime

  • Professors Holmes and Watson

    A Johnlock Potterlock AU. Rated T because I may or may not throw smut in eventually. Professor Watson is on the Hogwarts Express on the first day of school, as he does every year. This year, a new person enters the train compartment, Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

  • Remember Me, Cecil

    Incredibly angst-filled Cecilos One-Shot in which Cecil decides he will NOT be reeducated.

  • Portal Coffee Shop AU

    Read the title- what do you think it is?

  • Carlos's Return

    This is a Cecilos fic written post Old Oak Doors (taking place a few months later). The style is as if you were listening to an episode. It's all fluff, with only a little loneliness at the beginning.

  • A Demonic Day in New York

    Sam and Dean get wind of a great deal of supernatural activity in New York. While investigating, they run into some of our favorite Shadowhunters (and a sparkly warlock). Also, since this takes place in the present (2014), our beloved Shadowhunters are 6 years older than they were at the end of CoHF (just something to keep in mind). Rated T for slight sexual content and some gore.

  • Life in the TARDIS Coffee Shop

    This AU goes through the various (reboot) Doctors and companions as workers at the Tastiness and Relative Delectabilities in Sweetness Coffee Shop. Only rated K to be safe. It starts with Nine and Rose. Other characters make appearances too.

  • May I Have This Dance? Sherlolly

    A short little Sherlolly fic that will make you smile.

  • A Strange New Town

    Welcome to Night Vale Episodes (And a bit more) from Carlos's POV. There will be a bit of Cecilos (unavoidable with this show, and it will get fluffy and maybe smutty but I don't know yet). Once I catch up, it will be updated with every me episodes may be skipped, for it is not mentioned what Carlos is doing at those times and I'm too lazy to think up all of the science.

  • Tick Tock, Mr Holmes

    A quiet day at 221B is interrupted by Greg Lestrade, bearing grave news. Johnlock after a while. Warnings: character deaths, shooting, and things may get a little smutty in the future.

  • A New Angel

    Jael (pronounced Hi-el) Carson wakes up in the back seat of a 1967 Chevy Impala, kidnapped by two insane "cosplayers" who happen to be her brothers. Slight AU, only because I don't know where to fit this into the show's time line. (Note: She is not ACTUALLY AN ANGEL. She's just named after one.) Rated T mostly for explicit language, but it might get a bit more gory with hunting.

  • The Baker Street Cafe

    A Sherlock Coffee Shop AU

  • April Fool's

    A one shot Cecilos fic inspired by a post on tumblr. It became a bit more than what it originally was... but the concept is around Carlos's April Fool's Day prank for Cecil.