

  • Anyone Who's Ever Played a Part Wouldn't Turn Around and Hate It

    Tyra gets pregnant, skips town, and leaves Tim to deal with the aftermath. So he does what any sane and reasonable person would do and calls Lyla. Cuteness ensues.

  • The Middle of Adventure's Such a Perfect Place to Start

    In which Alex and Piper make each other a promise they actually keep. Set in the future, post-release for both of them, and exploring the concept of a new beginning.

  • She Wants to Know

    Alex had never considered life on the outside without Piper in it, and finds her release more difficult than expected.

  • A Life Without Adventure

    SiriusRemus slash. Sirius had always been the adventurous one, and without him, Remus' life was nothing but a series of events, devoid of an adventure or thrill.

  • Green Eyed Miracle

    What if Lily had dumped James and gone with Severus instead? How would have things been different for both of them? Chapter five as of 10th Dec.

  • The Obvious Child

    Neville Longbottom, eight years old, is completely ordinary in every single way, and that is the majority of the trouble. Little does he know, he is the one who holds the key to saving the wizarding world. (or, "yes, another Neville-as-chosen-one story")

  • Runaways

    Based on a prompt. Julie gets pregnant after the lake and she and Matt are left to deal with the fallout.

  • Aftershocks

    8 years after his accident, Jason begins having seizures. (warning: character death)

  • When We Were The New Boys

    MWPP era. The lives of James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, and Severus as they make their way through Hogwarts, how they intertwine and interconnect and all the fun and shenanigans along the way.

  • Like Nobody Can

    Once, long ago, Severus Snape made Lily Evans a promise, and he does not easily forget his promises.

  • Green Eyed Miracle reworked

    What would have happened if Lily had married Severus instead of James? How would life have been different? AU, Lily/Severus re-worked version

  • Silver Bullets

    Remus does the unforgivable. RemusTonks, character death, angsty.

  • Silly Love Songs OR: I Was Made For Lovin' You

    I wrote this for my little friend Elisse... She wanted a story so I wrote her this... R&R.. It's cute. The title is from the Moulin Rouge track