
  • Glasses

    Destiel high school AU. They're best friends, and Castiel hates it when Dean wears his contact lenses because they don't make his eyes sparkle. So he does the logical thing, and hides them. But what happens when he gets caught? Oneshot, fluffy kisses. Short and sweet, Nerd!Dean, Quiet!Cas, general dorkiness. Written in under ten minutes. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.

  • We Live Together

    Destiel AU. Dean just wants a place to live, but the real estate guys have screwed up and now he co-owns a house with the most annoying tax accountant on the face of the planet. Based off a tumblr prompt, one shot, smut and fluff. Will probably edit later. Disclaimer: I do not own supernatural. Might revisit this 'verse, so watch this space. Also part of my Drabbles collection

  • Of Scoubis and Sandcastles

    Destiel high school AU oneshot. They've been best friends since they were five, and both want more. They finally have the courage to do something about it, after Castiel makes a thing for Dean. Fluff, cuteness, because I can. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural

  • Best Birthday Ever

    Destiel Birthday Fluff. Not sure when it's set, but there's the bunker. Written for my friend for her birthday. Dean doesn't expect anything on his birthday, because he never gets anything. Castiel wants that to change, and fluff ensues. General fluffy oneshot thing. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. Reviews are welcomed!

  • Too Much Christmas Cheer

    Destiel Christmas Oneshot! Set in Season 9, Kevin lives, Sam and Dean aren't pissed at each other. Happy fluff because I felt the need. Dean gets drunk and admits his feelings and it's cute. Happy ending, also published in my Headcanons/Drabbles things just because. Unbeta'd. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural

  • Last Kiss

    Destiel College AU kind of songfic thing. Based off 'Last Kiss' by Pearl Jam. Major Character Death, I'm sorry. Castiel and Dean in a car accident, Dean coping afterwards, yeah. Also published in my Headcanons/Drabbles thing if you want to check that out. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or the song 'Last Kiss' (which I don't actually mention the name or lyrics of in here)

  • I Knew It

    Destiel oneshot. Dean and Sam get back from a hunt, Dean is injured. Cas is pissed at Dean for not taking better care of himself, and they fight. Ends in smut. Abbadon is gone, the angels are back in Heaven, Cas is a human living in the bunker. Rated M, also published in my Drabbles/Headcanons thing. It's better than I make it sound, I swear. Rated M for the brief smut.

  • The Marriage

    The third part to my "When? Now" 'verse. They're finally getting married, after the events in "The Request"! It's a lot of fluff, and some smut and language. A few dead characters make an appearance because I wanted them to. May keep adding to this 'verse because it's a happy one.

  • I love you, Dean Winchester

    Dean's dead, and Castiel is at his grave. Destiel, angsty, short and sad. First ever sad ending. Based off a tumblr gifset because I can. Also being added to my collection of headcanons and drabbles if you want to have a look. Might add to this, might not.

  • The Package

    Destiel AU oneshot where Cas and Dean are best friends. Cas is in college in the next state, and Dean is left behind. Dean gets a random package at work, though. Also published in my headcanons/drabble thing, but I might expand it so I also published it separately. Short and sweet :)

  • One in One Thousand

    Destiel Trojan War AU. Dean and Castiel have grown up together, and have always seen each other as something...more than friends, even if they've never been able to say it aloud. This is interrupted, however, by the declaration of war on the city of Troy, and their lives are changed forever. NO CHARACTER DEATH. Rated M for smut and language, loose inspiration from Homeric texts.

  • Interview with a Douchebag

    Destiel AU. Dean is a rock star, and Castiel has to interview him. Wrote this as a result of being unable to sleep at a mates place. Oneshot, and I promise it's better than I'm making it sound! Rated M for slight smut and language. Happy ending!

  • Dean's Not So Secret Journal

    Dean has a secret, and Sam finds out, but won't talk unless Dean does. Destiel oneshot, fluffy, some swearing and mentions of sexytimes.

  • Bat Out Of Hell

    My AU of the Season 5 finale 'Swan Song'. Songfic thing using 'Bat Out Of Hell' by Meatloaf - listen to it while reading if it helps, one of my favourite songs. Destiel, obviously, because I am incapable of writing anything else apparently. Slight smut, please review, let me know what you think please!

  • The Trim Oneshot

    Hairdresser!Slight AU based off a post I saw on tumblr. Tiny fluffy Destiel involved, set after the end of Season 8, except Sam is all better and not possessed. No smut or bad language, so I deem it safe for all! Unbeta'd, and I don't own Supernatural.