
  • Who Are You?

    Dean lives out his life in the same routine - school, work, home - every day. Until one day, he finds a mysterious note on his locker from an unknown admirer. Is this the catalyst for Dean to finally find some happiness in life? Destiel high school AU, probably been done before but yeah I had an idea, so I wrote a thing. Enjoy and review! M for swearing and possible smut later

  • The Request

    Destiel, Destiel, Destiel. Based off a tumblr post (another one, sorry). Castiel proposing to Dean, cute fluff smooshy crap. Sort of a sequel to another Destiel oneshot of mine - 'When? Now'. So yeah, hope it goes down well

  • Holding Hands

    Destiel. Dean is alone in a motel room, trying to sleep, when Cas shows up needing a friend. Cute fluff ensues. No smut, but language warnings. Oneshot

  • Dear Sammy

    Cas is gone, and Dean is lost. Don't wanna give anything away, but I had this idea, and so I wrote it and I hope it's liked. Destiel, major character death. Oneshot, rated M for language.

  • Reunion

    It's been five long years since Dean and Cas saw and spoke to one another. Five years since Cas walked out, breaking both their hearts. But it's Sam's graduation, and he wants both his parents to be there for him. DESTIEL AU, based off a tumblr post I saw that is referenced inside. Slight smut, not too graphic. Rated M for safety. Happy ending!

  • When? Now

    Based off a tumblr gifset I saw half an hour ago. Oneshot, DESTIEL. Slight smut and language. Basically, they confess how they feel towards one another, and it goes from there.

  • My Best Friends Wedding

    Dean is getting married, and Cas is happy for him. Isn't he? Sorry if this has been done before, tried to make it as original as possible. Destiel AU, unbeta'd, written pretty much all at once. Rated M just in case. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural EDIT: INCREDIBLY SMUTTY CHAPTER ADDED AT THE END

  • An Angle of the Lord

    Dean is bored in Trig, and Cas saves him. But not in the way you think. Me taking the piss out of the 'Angle' instead of 'Angel' of the Lord thing. Yeah Destiel. Kinda sucks, but I was bored. Oneshot, rated M for language

  • Love in an Elevator

    A oneshot with two alternate endings, so it's the same story posted as two separate chapters with different endings. Destiel AU. Contains angst, fluff, panic attacks, and claustrophobia. Chapter One - Version One - contains Major Character Death, so feel free to skip that one, because Chapter Two does not. Based off the prompt "Imagine your OTP stuck in an elevator after a fight"

  • The Adventures of a History Teacher and an AutoShop Teacher

    The second part of the Novak vs Winchester 'verse - a series of timestamps in no particular order. Helps to read Novak vs Winchester before this - it's pretty good if I do say so myself. Expect fluff, smut, and angst.

  • Destiel Headcanons, Drabbles, Oneshots

    Destiel drabbles, headcanons and oneshots. Expect plenty of fluff and AUs, rated M for possible smut/language. Will probably never be complete, I'm working on putting my other oneshots in here, but a lot of them are published separately too, I just wanted some order to them. Unbeta'd. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural

  • Bunny Slippers and Blanket Forts

    Short fluffy oneshot because I can. Destiel bunker fic, where Cas has a blanket fort, Dean is in love, and everyone is happy and ships it. Oh, and Kevin lives.

  • Dude Looks Like A Lady

    Season 9 AU(ish). Castiel returns to the bunker, and finds out that Dean and Sam are still fighting. They go on a case, but find something unexpected that changes what they know about themselves - and how Dean and Castiel see one another. Unbeta'd. Warning: Slow build DESTIEL, Fem! versions will make an appearance, M for smut and swearing. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.

  • Stars

    Destiel AU. Based on the King Arthur legend, hope I've done okay! Rated M for language and probable smut, let me know what you think. You can totally look at my other stuff too. If you want. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural

  • Novak vs Winchester

    Destiel Teacher AU. Castiel Novak has recently moved back to America with his partner, Balthazar, taking a job at a local high school. He and the Mechanics teacher, Dean Winchester, have an instant hatred - but of course drama strikes, and they are forced to rely upon one another in the aftermath. Unbeta'd, rated M for language and smut. Disclimer: I do not own Supernatural.

  • Bubbles

    Domestic Destiel thing. Season 9 AU I guess - human Castiel in the bunker, Dean tries to help him wash his trenchcoat, and all hell breaks loose because they suck at laundry. PS there's shower smut and love confessions. And then there's fluff in bed and stuff and Sam ships the hell out of it. Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.

  • Angel With A Shotgun

    If Dean had been driving, they wouldn't have been listening to Sam's crappy radio station. If they hadn't been listening to Sam's crappy radio station, they wouldn't have heard the song. And if they hadn't heard the song, they wouldn't have heard the letter, and Dean would have never been able to kiss Castiel. Doesn't mean Sam's music taste doesn't still suck, though. (ONESHOT)

  • It's All In The Balance

    Destiel High School AU. Dean is a cheerleader, and Castiel is the awkward nerdy guy who by some miracle is the fastest runner on the school's running team. Dean's been crushing on him for years, and finally has the courage to do something about it after they have to pair up one weird PE lesson. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. Also unbeta'd. Oneshot, fluffy

  • The Feeling's Mutual

    Destiel Hospital AU. Two men share a room in the mental health ward, both mute as a result of traumatic events in their lives. As the months pass, they become closer and closer, helping one another overcome their boundaries. Fluffy, no smut, could be trigger I guess. Mute!Cas, Mute!Dean. Also published in my drabbles collection FYI EDIT: Now has a small requested epilogue

  • The Gabriel Show

    Destiel AU. In which Gabriel is a talk show host, Dean and Lisa have split up, Ben might be Dean's kid, and Dean and Castiel are roommates. Oneshot, also in my drabbles collection. Unbeta'd, eventual Destiel, some angst and swearing. Better than I make it sound, I promise! Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural