
  • Middle of Nowhere

    New story! Hope you like it, may or may not continue it in the later future! I OWN NOTHING!

  • Chocolate Topaz Eyed Child

    What! Another story by me? But of course! What happens when a child (OC) meets a certain Pokemon trainer and his companions? And what of the relationship with him and the younger boy? Read and see! Slight Ashmax!

  • The Moonlight 'Alchemist'

    WARNING: This story contains Elricest, like the others I've made. Read if you want to! Anyways just what does Ed plan when Al's body is restored? AU, Al has his body from Conqueror of Shamballa!

  • Sweet Dreams

    A small oneshot between a pokemon trainer and blonde psychic. I Own Nothing but this story! Enjoy! Leave reviews if any!

  • Mother Pairing Drabbles

    Hello all! Read the first chapter and find out about this whole story. Thank you all for reading!

  • Moonlight Change

    Ed and Alphonse have secrets about each other, A child (OC) from the moon kingdom wants friends, so what happens next?

  • A Magypsie's work is never done

    Kumatora ends up getting a surprise! Not what she was expecting but the event turns out to be a whole lot of fun. I don't own anything but my story. Enjoy!

  • Troublesome Ojamajo

    A little of a set back to Porky's plan before Lucas makes it to New Pork. I OWN NOTHING! Just my oc. Also if anyone know's the song in the first chapter, good for you!

  • Trainer and Psychic Drabbles

    Okay so I felt like making some oneshot's with the pokemon trainer and Lucas, so I'll be making those stories and putting them here. More of their friendship kind of thing. Enjoy!

  • Hidashi-Esque Oneshots

    NOTE: Not hardcore Hidashi, just the fluffy platonic relationship! Follow me and my oneshots between Hiro and Tadashi-kun! Probably will involve some japanese at times! OC might help out with fluff and their constant adventures! Fantastic.

  • Big Hero 6 & 1 Sailor Senshi! The Era of Triton!

    Even brothers need help being attended too. The role of a senshi is not only to fight, but protect AND fight for a compromise no matter what. Sailor Neptune is to awaken a new senshi for the sake of his own beliefs and personal friends, but at a cost. (Fluffy Hidashi, OC involved.)

  • Adventures in Mt Oriander University

    Hey everybody! Another story from me, lolsss. Read on to see what Mt. Oriander has in store! What's this? It has a school too? And who part take will be attending this university?

  • Breakthrough

    Warning: contains ELRICEST! My OC attempts to try something to prevent them from being taken away from his life, and what it leads to. Mild cursing.

  • Transparency

    Ed and Al want to take a vacation but end up learning more about two other people that have the same, otherwise, lives as them! AU-ish.

  • Psychic and Tamers Alike!

    Here's a crossover between Mother 3 and How to Train Your Dragon! Lucas pulled the final needle but how will things turn out when he's on an island not familiar to him? And what does his new allies have in store for him? I OWN Nothing but the plot and story.

  • Hold me

    A small FLUFFY oneshot between Dan and Marucho. I OWN NOTHING! Enjoy and leave reviews if any. There's somehow a lack of friendship fics between the two, so I decided to change that.

  • Reunited

    Happy Birthday Mother 3! Happy birthday Lucas and Claus! I own nothing! Just a small oneshot between the two! Enjoy! Leave reviews if any!

  • In The Name of The Sunflowers

    My thinking of how Claus could be revived. Enjoy! I own Nothing but this story! Leave reviews if any.

  • Carry On

    One twelve year old child makes his way to The Nowhere Islands for adventure and new friends. But could there be more in store for him as he goes along on the island? Contains my own other character.