
  • Steven Universe Drabbles

    No matter what happens, Steven will always be there for the gems. And the Crystal Gems will always be there for Steven.

  • Dancing in the Rain

    For the first time ever, Sherlock has to baby-sit Mary and John's three-year-old daughter. During a thunderstorm. And little does he know that smaller children make an effort to grab everything in sight. Specially dedicated to the fanfic writer, Cumberbatch Critter. Set almost four years after the end of Season 3. Oneshot.

  • The Music Box

    "It's like a lullaby..." Zelda said. Link allowed a smile to break over his face. "It suits you," he said quietly, and smiled. Oneshot. Takes place 5 years before the events in Skyward Sword. Origin of Zelda's lullaby.

  • Damage and Divergence

    Amethyst and Garnet are both exhausted after they are separated, but after what Sugilite did, can Garnet forgive herself for allowing that to happen? Oneshot, small friendship fic. SPOILER ALERT.

  • Where I Belong

    "Steven...I don't know how to tell you this...Gems who were exiled to Earth were exiled because they were corrupted, and beyond hope of healing. But I don't know why they would call Garnet 'corrupted.'" Rated T

  • Rose Petals and Moss Mounds

    "I'll tell the story," Garnet said. "And I'll make sure that it isn't too long. But I promise, I won't skip any of the important parts. Steven, did you know that your mother was once a human?" Alternate-cannon fic.

  • Pretty as a Pearl

    Steven meant more than the world to Pearl. Rose's only son...she only wanted to protect him.

  • The Five Times Steven Was Told It Was Too Dangerous For Him

    And the time he proved the gems wrong. Rated K . R&R please.

  • Memories

    Early in his mission to find Zelda, Link faces a near death situation and considers giving up the mission. The message that Fi has for him, however, changes his perspective...Oneshot.

  • Crystal Fever

    Garnet always seemed quiet and aloof after missions, but after the gems' latest mission, she can't hide the fact that she is sick from Steven and the other gems.

  • Strength

    Link and Zelda did not count on their first daughter being crippled. Set 5 years after the events of Skyward Sword. Oneshot.