
  • Ultimate Peace

    A conversation is had while watching the sunrise over their morning cup of tea. (Heed Disclaimer)

  • Friends Will Be Friends

    Rhodey recounts to Steve the awful way Tony was publicly outed. (Heed Disclaimer)

  • Witness

    Dean is down for the count after his encounter with Castiel, leaving Sam and Bobby to deal with a spate of violent ghosts without him. In order to stop the hauntings, they'll have to receive help from an unlikely source, but who is Skye, and can they trust her? (Heed Disclaimer)

  • All Too Well

    Continuing from "Live to Rise," Lara is still getting stalked by her ex. How did their relationship go so bad in the first place? How is it all going to end? (Heed Disclaimer)

  • Live to Rise

    Four months after the Chitauri invasion, the Earth-bound Avengers have reunited to take on their greatest enemy yet; mainstream media. However, problems begin to come to light within the team, most notably regarding Tony Stark. Can the Avengers work past these issues and come out stronger? Also, who is this Carol person Fury's friends with? (Heed Disclaimer)

  • Rewind, Reset, Relive

    Dean wakes up in his own grave with an odd feeling of déjà vu. What's causing it? How did he get out of Hell? Most importantly, why does he remember someone he never met telling him he loves him? (Heed Disclaimer)

  • Google Re-Translate

    I entered Chapter Four of my Fanfiction into Google Translate, translated it into Japanese, then re-translated it back into English. Yes, I was that bored. Enjoy the Engrish!

  • Hi no Nami: The Game of Life

    This is the story of a girl who has to deal with a traumatic past, less than trustworthy friends, a family she has a strained relationship with, a stalker, and the fact that she's an eleven-year-old assassin. Oh, and something about Guardian Characters, too. (No lemon. Re-written first chapter Beta Read by nymphomaniac. Still undergoing re-writes. BOOK ONE.)

  • The Original Version

    The original versions of chapters of Hi no Nami. No lemon, but definitely not for kids.

  • Hi no Nami One-shot: Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful

    This is only up for my own shame.

  • Ten Questions Light Yagami is Tired of Answering

    If you ask Light one of these questions one more time, what happens to you next should be obvious. Probably OOC, but I have a bit of a headache right now so I don't care.

  • Best Fanfic Evar

    omg i suk @ summeries but trus mi dis iz goood

  • Shugo Chara! Libs

    Mad libs involving your favorite Shugo Chara! Characters. Yes, I should be working on Hi no Nami. No, I am not stalling myself from reading a fanfic of a pairing I'm not sure about. What are you talking about? You're crazy. Enjoy.