

    Harry is new in New York. A family of four kids decide to take him in as their new nanny. (Based off Jessie, but not necessary to watch to understand this fic.)

  • Monopoly Drabbles

    Drabbles and Such for the Harry Potter Monopoly game going on on my forum. Has darkish themes. Think most of them are going to be Harry/Hermione with Servant Ron. Ron is he main character.

  • A Different Take

    What if the trio were raised in entirely different situations? What if Ron was raised by his mother with his sister, with no brothers? What if Harry was raised by Severus Snape? What if Hermione was raised by an Alcoholic mother and absentee father? This. This is what happens.

  • I'm Not Ron I Swear!

    A collection of unrelated stories featuring Ron, who masquerades as other people. Has Slash. Is marked as Complete because each story is Complete.

  • Trips: Diagon Ally

    Harry Weasley, Hermione Potter, and Ronald Granger go to Diagon Ally to get their things, and their wands. Part 4 of my The Family Switch AU.

  • The Family Switch AU

    Harry Weasley, Hermione Potter, and Ronald Granger have more to them then most. Has some gore but not detailed at all, just mentioning holes in places they shouldn't be and blood. A series of One Shots, is labeled as Complete but will be adding more one shots when I can. Not sure the pairings, but knowing me, there will be slash and possibly femslash.

  • Kitty Ron's Adventures in Hogwarts

    The little orange kitty goes to Hogwarts because he doesn't want to be left behind. He never intended for this to happen. Has Slash in mind. Catboy. Not a oneshot. (each chapter can probably be read as a one shot.)

  • Four Seasons

    Ron started by accident. Harry started because he was annoyed at Dudley. Hermione started for Revenge. Now they are together. Assassin/Serial Killer AU pt2 of A Right Mess AU. Alludes to het rape.

  • A Right Mess

    Three Assassins were hired separately to kill one target. Their bosses try to sabotage them so they won't have to pay. New AU, Assassin AU with a main pairing of Harry/Ron/Hermione. I hope to get more with them. I guess A Right Mess is the perfect name for the AU. Drug use in this. Attempted murder, premeditated murder, murder.

  • Hermione's Theif

    Bellatrix found a slumbering girl in a forest after a heist. It was luck that would have it, the girl was Hermione Weasley's daughter. Part of my Living While Divorced AU. Alluding to both Bellatrix/Hermione and Hermione/Ron.

  • Mad Obsessions

    James is obsessed with his neighbor, with his flower. Now he just needed to get rid of the obstacles in their way. Muggle AU!

  • Harry the Manny

    Harry was bored. Life as a multimillionaire sucks. And he can't find a job in the wizarding world. What is a guy to do? Get a job in the muggle world of course. Harry decides to take Draco up on his offer. Slash is mentioned. Harry is not gay. If you read any of my other stories then you will know who is... Also the pranks are... well... pg13 rated.

  • Full Musings

    Harry, Ron, and Hermione have changed. Harry muses on it under the light of the full moon. AU.

  • Of Moving and Bookshops

    Severus moved to San Francisco when things became too much. 20 years later, Harry moves to San Francisco when things became too much in Europe. They meet in a book shop. AU. Slash, Snarry.

  • Drink the Fire Whisky

    Ronald finds himself facing his cousin, only, wearing Slytherins robes? Part of my Of Slytherins and Gryffindors AU, only, Not really. Just some serious Crack.

  • The Weasley Brothers

    The Weasley Brothers visit their Parents and Sister's graves three times.

  • Trapped

    Ron was trapped, and he didn't even know it. When Harry and Hermione figure out what happened, what was happening, they tried to help, only to make it both better and worse. Unstable magic is never anyone's friend. (Has Rape, not super graphic)

  • The Clothing Change Yearly

    Someone keeps changing Ronald's clothes into the girls uniform at the beginning of the year. Part of my Of Slytherins and Gryffindors AU Has slash.

  • Jean and Granger

    Jean picks up her daughter from school, they talk. Jean needs a drink. Part of my Of Slytherins and Gryffindors AU.

  • Jean and Bellatrix

    Jean and Bellatrix have a meaningful talk. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.