
  • Jean and Hugo

    Jean calms baby Hugo. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • Jean and Rose

    Jean holds baby Rose. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • Jean and Ronald

    Jean has a talk with her future son in law. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • Molly and Ron

    Molly has a lot of thoughts about her oldest son. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • Molly and Rose

    Molly comforts a sad Rose. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • Molly and Hugo

    Molly cleans Hugo's wounds. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • Molly and Hermione

    Molly talks with twelve year old Hermione about babies. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • Harry Potter and the New Additions

    Just a one shot about Harry and his friends finding doll versions of themselves when they are three, and how that changes their meeting. There are no pairings, but if I ever get to that point for this, it would most likely be slash or femslashy.

  • Someday

    Harry has thoughts. Part of my Of Slytherins and Gryffindors AU

  • I Want A Dad, Another Dad

    Rose want's her favorite Teacher to also be her dad. So she is going to have her favorite teacher be her dad. Part of my Living While Divorced AU from Rose's POV.

  • Stationary and Notes

    Ginny and Luna buy stationary and Neville gets a love note.

  • She's The Man

    Hermione needs better teammates. Superhero AU.

  • Love, Actually

    Hermione starts to have feelings for her boss Viktor Krum, only problem, he doesn't speak English. On the flip side, Bill has to raise his younger brother, who moved in with him after an incident. In comes the Delacour sisters to make everything better. Viktor/Hermione, Bill/Fleur, Severus/Ronald.

  • Who's in the room with Ronnie?

    Hermione is babysitting and hears voices in one of her charges room. Has blood and such. Based on the urban Legend: The Man Upstairs.

  • A Fine Birthday

    James celebrates his birthday with his friends, and his brother's friends. Part of my Living While Divorced AU, though it is set quite a few years before the start of the series.

  • Looking for my Soulmate, Found him

    Ron wanted to find his soulmate, and he did, by accidentally walking in while he was taking a bath! Not part of an AU unless I get enough reviews, if I do I'll come back here to change this part to the AU name.

  • Radio

    Ron and Hermione listen to the radio. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • Spontaneous

    Ron didn't know he liked spontaneous until he started to live with Severus. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • When Ronald Met Severus

    This is how Ronald met his future Husband. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.

  • Uhmmmm

    Hermione and Bellatrix are taking the next steps in their relationship. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.