

  • The Not Series

    Miranda is in a world of denial about what she is and isn't doing with her beautiful second assistant. Slightly OOC for humor value.

  • No Regrets

    Caroline does something horrible and the fallout changes everyone. Written for the LJ DWP Poke The Dragon July Ficathon. Prompt was: Jealousy. My own additional personal prompt was: What would happen if Miranda's darling "do no wrong" twins did something even she found hard to forgive? Mirandy pairing. Three parts.

  • What I See

    Minerva has many doubts. Hermione doesn't. A/N: This isn't a sexy story although there is sex. It's an honest story about doubt and fear and aging, all the things MM would feel awful angst over. Everyone is WELL over 18. (Some far more than others, much to Minerva's chagrin). This is a pairing I never thought I'd write but a friend gave me a prompt and, well, begged. My first HP.

  • Begging, Blackmail and Bad Teeth

    Emily has a loathing of Halloween for reasons she mystifyingly refuses to share. Andy is determined to get to the bottom of her secret, even if it means taking a risk. Just a bit of stuff and nonsense. Hints of Mirandy and Serena/Emily. Dedicated to Punky 96 (whose idea it was to use one of my post comments as a prompt) and her Halloween-themed DWP fic-fest at Livejournal.

  • Waiting For Andrea

    When Miranda's ever faithful assistant is suddenly no longer at her side - for reasons which become clear - the editor deals with it in typical Miranda fashion, by simply demanding her return. Two parter. Pre-Mirandy.

  • The Spider and The Fly

    The new Wentworth Governor cynically invites her deputy for drinks, deciding what better way to extract information than a liquored up Vera. But not all goes to plan. A FreakyTits slash fic - Joan and Vera. Probably two parts. Enjoy.

  • Somewhere Progressive

    This is both a sequel and companion piece to WastedOn's brilliant fic, The Art of Survival. What happened after Miranda and Andy turned up alive 34 days after their plane crash? And how did the world react to the "death" of the formidable La Priestly? There will be three chapters. Read The Art of Survival first or you'll really miss out. Go on - it's a great fic.