
  • Star(gaz)ing

    Do you know how to get away with murder? Make everyone think you are absolutely insane and unworthy speaking to. It's surprisingly easy until someone tries to understand your actions. Be careful of the one who does that, he may lead you to your demise.

  • The stranger you never knew about

    First they had been Togami, then they imitated a lot of people. They were a swindler, and while the talent was a lot of fun, it prevented him to have a real name. But when despair came, the only name people ever knew them about was the rich heir's one. Their own identity didn't matter, they forgot it since a long time so they could be everyone.

  • λ4114

    "Why are you doing this? They aren't going to like it." There was too many demons haunting him right now, but he had to do it. So he opened freely to Laura, without thinking anything could go wrong. It was the last mission now. He knew how to handle everything, except a hidden enemy. The spy fooled him, it manipulated him. And the electronic laughter resonated long after he left.

  • Smoke Angel

    Everything outside these black walls was blurred, but I knew they were working for me. It was my reality, no one knew what I was living. It was a mistake, they shouldn't have seen it. Hopefully they won't believe it, they will think of a nightmare. No one has to know. These dreams shouldn't have crossed, yet they all joined me. Now they have to forget it. Warning:mention of torture