
  • Helluva Afterlife

    Life really wasn't fair. Nobody knew this saying better than Naruto, who's lived a hard life for as long as he can remember. This never stopped him before, but he never would've thought he'd die and go to Hell. Now all he can do is what does best. Keep on living. Even if that means working with assassins to kill terrible people on Earth.

  • Jinchuuriki of the Dead

    Naruto's home is destroyed, his friends are all dead, and his world is nothing but a wasteland after the 4th Great Ninja War's over and Naruto is all that remains, until he leaves his world with the help of Kurama. Now, he finds himself in a new world facing a new enemy. Naruto's fought a lot of things in his life, but now he has to face the undead. Man, can't a guy catch a brake?

  • Melting a Cold Heart

    Minato just winged Tsukiumi and has a dream about another Sekirei that is reacting to him. However, when Minato goes looking for her, things get...interesting. What will happen when Minato and Akitsu meet. Just a little what if for the series.

  • The Fiery Avatar and Brash Ninja

    Naruto and his team have been assigned a very important mission. Their mission is to go to Republic City to protect Avatar Korra and eliminate the threat to Republic City and the rest of the bending world, but after Naruto saves Korra from the worst nightmare of her life they're relationship becomes something more.

  • Kitsune of Monster High

    Monster High is getting a new guy named Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and he's going shake the school up and down, but what's going to happen when he becomes the schools number one ladies man. Read and find out. Harem, Minato and Kushina alive, monster Naruto.

  • The Avatar and The Jinchuuriki

    A new threat has appeared and it threatens the peace between Konoha and Republic City. What will happen when Naruto and Korra must work together to stop the man that threatens their very lives? What does he want with Korra, what's he got against Konoha, and why are Naruto and Korra acting odd around each other.

  • Chunin Exam Lovers

    Naruto and his team take part in the Chunin Exams and things get interesting for Naruto when he meets a paper angel, a desert rose, and lavender heiress. Harem but, no lemons, yet.