
  • Empty Apartment

    AU. The Turnpike Tavern is like home to Ferb. It's the perfect place for smoking, drinking, and everything else the young Brit enjoys. His life may seem like a long downward spiral, but he's content. At least he says he is. Phineas is living the high school dream. He's at the top of his class, has the perfect girlfriend, and plenty of popularity. He says he's happy. He's lying. PxF

  • Open Door

    Adam has all the tools he needs to leave the bathroom, but John doesn't think he'll ever use them. Oneshot. Some LawrencexAdam if you squint.

  • Page 186

    "I should have known when you washed my hands." A poem. ShinjixYutaka if you squint.

  • Just Date Me, Shank

    AU. Alby has to write a poem for class, but is awful at it. Maybe writing about Newt wasn't meant to be. But of course Minho won't accept that. Oneshot. AlbyxNewt, light MinhoxThomas.

  • A Dysfunctional Rating Scale

    He and Yuka had started rating each other's jokes in their second year of junior high. It hadn't started off so bad. At first it had been a joke in itself. But somewhere along the line it had stopped being funny. YutakaxYuka. Oneshot.

  • Just Don't Kiss Him

    "How about this, Yutaka? How about you just don't kiss him? Can you do that? Can you do that much for yourself?" Yutaka just wants to get through the night without kissing Shinji. A no program AU. ShinjixYutaka. Oneshot.

  • Silly Little Love Song

    It was silly, her trying to write the words to his song. NorikoxShuya. Drabble.

  • Love Is Right around the Corner

    In which love is right around the corner, and Yutaka is a stud. Also, Shinji has poor judgment. IzumixYutakaxFumiyo. Oneshot.

  • Waiting

    Shogo knew better than to keep Shinji waiting. Drabble. ShogoxShinji.