
  • I Come Apart

    Avery and Juliette have been together and in love for a year now, against all odds. Will that change when Sean Butler shows up at Juliette's door? Avery/Juliette/Sean triangle, but of course a Juliette and Avery story overall. Now Completed!

  • Pushing the Limits

    Juliette sees ZAG perform and gets a bit "frustrated" at her boyfriend's stage presence.

  • My Dreams Are A Better Reality

    His dreams with her tortured him, but they were better than the reality he lived without her.

  • Thinking Out Loud

    "My daughter." She nodded, as if in her own world again. Her focus drew in and out, and he wondered if he should get Juliette from her dressing room. Or the tour doctor. "She's gonna need you." A little one-shot interaction between Avery and Jolene, set sometime during 1.20.

  • My future has always been held in your hands, even when I didn't know

    "It's you and me in there, I can feel it. And if not… it's still you." Based on speculation and the need for Juliette's land to come back up after being long forgotten.

  • When I Fall In Love

    "Did you really come all the way to Nashville just to personally give me these?" His left hand, devoid of the gold band, drummed on the desk hard. "Couldn't you have just had your lawyers do your dirty work?" A Juliette and Avery Future Fic.

  • Time

    "For you Ray, I have all the time in the world." Until they didn't anymore.

  • If The Fates Allow

    Her heart pounded. He had been here. She could feel it in every cell in her body. "Lucky." She caught her breath. "He was here." Holiday One-Shot.

  • Not Even The King

    "I'm asking you to ask me." A look at Avery's second attempt at taking Juliette out on a date after 2.16.

  • Soundtrack

    Sometimes, Juliette actually felt like her life was a Rayna Jaymes' album. Juliette-centric eventually turned Javery. Snapshots set to Rayna songs.

  • Studio Time

    Juliette and Avery release some tension in the studio. Be warned, this is actually pure smut, I'm not even going to pretend.

  • Like the Dead Sea, you'll never sink when you are with me

    "It's just…my mind keeps racing with lyrics, and I wanna get them down before I forget them." Juliette wakes up Avery in the middle of the night... to write a song and more.