
  • As If

    Hermione Granger's been dating Ron Weasley on-and-off for nearly ten years. Draco Malfoy's been in love with her non-stop for just as long.

  • The Professional

    "You said if I could adapt I could transform!" "Yes, well I didn't bloody well think you'd want to transform into me!" Harry/Eggsy AU based off the movie "Leon: The Professional"

  • Bangers, Beans and Mash

    "Oh shit yeah!" Harry raised his eyes up again. Where before Eggsy had been stretching and presenting to seem tantalizing, now he was sat back, bum on his legs and head turned towards the TV. On screen, a skeletal thin, black haired man was hopping around a stage in a white suit. "It's Get Him to the Greek." one-shot future fic where Harry lived that I thought up seeing GHTTG.

  • Jude

    While taking on the identity of a young Jewish girl in 1942 Europe seemed insane, I reasoned that there had been no Nazi occupation in England during the entirety of World War II. As long as I made no attempts to travel through Germany or its surrounding countries, everything would be fine.

  • Handstand

    "Steve's a pretty great guy," he offered as Bucky nodded shakily, suddenly feeling like he had just fessed up to being sweet on his best friend. "He's lucky you're around." "I'm the lucky one," Bucky corrected without thinking. Pre-serum. kid!Bucky and Steve. Pre-slash.

  • Part of You

    "I need Steve," Bucky said finally, eyes far off as he thought about the little kid from Brooklyn. Tony looked up from his work, squinting behind his frames. Bucky stared back unabashedly. "I need Steve," he repeated, "More than I need an arm. I don't even want an arm if it means Steve could get hurt." Post CAWS. Steve/Bucky established, Bucky/Tony Stark friendship

  • Evanesco

    It was as if the mystery surrounding my parents' lives had been vanished with no more than a quick incantation and now I could see everything. Everything I was meant to do and everything I was meant to be. There was still confusion shrouding my heart but the one thing I knew for certain was Harry Potter would pay. First in a series :: rewrite

  • Slytherin Princess

    Remilda Strauss is the only daughter of two famous Death Eaters and eager to serve Lord Voldemort. Her first year at Hogwarts has begun and she's ready to prove herself. Inlisting the help of a certain Malfoy, she sets out to kill The-Boy-Who-Lived.