Chuchi Otaku

  • There and Back Again

    Ron was able to save Fred's life during the Battle of Hogwarts at the price of his own. When he was given a choice to return to the past, Ron picks the door to go back and save as much lives as he could. Nobody said it would be easy, especially for a jaded 17 year old war veteran, but by Merlin, Ronald Bilius Weasley will try. *A Ron-centric time travel fic*

  • 四天王と 朽木 : Four Kings and a Kuchiki

    When the Quincy War arc ended in disaster, Rukia Kuchiki, through her lingering connection with the hogyoku, is sent back in time to become her world's last hope for salvation. Time Travel. Semi-AU. Rukia-centric. HitsuRuki.