
  • By the Blue Moon

    The Goblin King has wasted all of his time and now he's been given an ultimatum. To make matters worse, his only way out of the situation seems to depend on one person: Sarah Williams. (Also being posted to AO3)

  • Severus Snape and the New Teacher

    Severus Snape is going back to Hogwarts for another year of teaching Potions. Once again, he didn't get the Dark Arts job. But something is different about this new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Snape is in for a rough year thanks to the new teacher, Professor Quinlynn. Harry Potter is now the least of his worries. Professor Quinlynn my OC, takes place during book 4

  • Hunger Games Fanfiction

    This is the beginning to my Hunger Games fanfiction. I'm submitting this to see if there is any interest to see the rest of it. The story follow capitol member, Eli Odrick (my OC) as he attends the Reaping of the Capitol members. His mother has passed away, and he and his father are still trying to cope with it. Follow Eli as he meets new friends in the Games...and new enemies!