
  • southern comfort

    Memoirs of a zombie apocalypse. Daryl/Harry

  • Respiro Haud Magis

    Grief...loss...it kills...it burns...after a while...it just gets too much...you have to make it stop...make it end...character death. oneshot. READ AND REVIEW GIRL!HARRY

  • Just Harry Is Perfect

    He was a bumbling idiot and he was awkward, but he was Just Harry. and Draco thought he was bloody perfect. H/D Slash

  • Crashed

    DRACO/HARRY mpreg. Harry Potter's life was set. All it took was Daco Malfoy, and things completely changed. Having to cope with impending fatherhood and having to deal with the Malfoys, Harry doesnt know how to cope

  • The Reader

    SLASH. When it came down to it, he was everything to me. Nothing else mattered, expect his face, him, the sound of my name on his lips. It was wrong to love him but I couldn't bring myself to care. I wished it to last forever...I was wrong again HPDM