

  • Waves

    A drabble about Killian's mother. (pirate)

  • My Pirate

    Neal confronts Emma about Killian but his insults don't work quite as intended. (swan)

  • Dancing

    A dance based during the alleged end-season-wedding, featuring a certain Pirate and a certain Swan. (pirate)

  • Picnic

    Killian arranges a surprise for Emma outside the castle walls. (pirate)

  • Stolen Hearts

    The Wicked Witch takes Killian's heart and sends him off with a very specific demand. (swan)

  • Over

    Killian tries on some modern day clothes and Neal walks in on a heated moment. (pirate)

  • Faith, Trust, and Spilled Pixie Dust?

    Tinkerbell "accidentally" spills fairy dust when Hook is pouting and reveals that Emma is his true love. (swan)

  • Unwanted

    A very unpleasant Blackbeard shows up at Emma's front door. (pirate)

  • Snowballs

    A winter flurry results in a (not so) icy battle. (swan)

  • Baggage

    I've been thinking a lot lately about Emma's armor and her chains and how her jewelry is a bit of both. This thinking of course resulted in feels, and eventually the idea of Killian undressing her in a different way. (pirate)

  • Ink

    On the way back through the Enchanted Forest, Emma discovers an unexpected tattoo upon her pirate's back. (swan)

  • A Matter of Love

    In which Killian is captured and put under a sleeping curse that can only be broken by one certain Savior. (pirate)

  • Goodbye

    A trip into Emma's mind during the goodbye kiss. (pirate)

  • 2:00 AM

    AU. Emma needs a date to combat her well-meaning mother's constant questions after her love life, but she is not willing to commit to a relationship that could end in shambles. An ad on craigslist featuring a too-hot-to-be-real guy offering platonic dates in exchange for storytelling is an attractive offer to the nearly-broke Emma-one that she finds unable to refuse. (by bri)

  • Past Tense

    When Milah reappears in Storybrooke, Killian and Emma must determine how and why before more ghosts are torn out of the past. (by bri)

  • Sacrifice

    I had a lot of Captain Charming and Daddy!Charming feels after that last promo so this happened. Just a little drabble about the real reason Charming saved Killian from the light post. (pirate)

  • Act of True Love

    Emma would do anything for Killian. The title says it all. (pirate)

  • Pan

    The movie Hook, but in reverse. Peter Pan is angry that Hook has left Neverland and devises a foolproof plan to get him-and Emma- to return. (future!fic) (pirate)

  • Be Mine

    A little cs valentines drabble. (pirate)

  • The End

    Little future drabble about Emma and Killian. Meant to be sort of their happily ever after. I do way too much meaningless domestic fluff. Might add little bits to this but nothing with any sort of storyline. This is all about the fluff. (pirate)