
  • Step in the Right Direction

    Rae shows Finn she's getting more comfortable about sex.

  • Soft Hands Cut Deeper

    'She had lost her mind. There was no other explanation. Why on earth this woman, who he could have believed didn't have a demure bone in her body, was suddenly a shy, sweet creature that was bandaging his latest wound with gentle, gliding hands, he could not even imagine.'

  • Mind Under Matter

    Six months after Peach Trees, Anderson finds herself in another drug bust gone wrong. "She was feeling sure she'd rather have another bullet in her side than have to arrest another slimy, wriggling, completely horny drug addict."

  • A Dance of the Periphery

    Gendry meets several different Braavosi women... with wolf-eyes and stinging swords and sharp, unlady-like tongues.

  • Reminds Me of Childhood Memories

    In which Saeki learns he has really been the idiot this whole time.

  • Business as Unusual

    Thraen, daughter of Dain, sees an opportunity to work her craft in the freshly-won Halls of Erebor.