
  • Arrow in the Air

    Their arrival was foretold by lightning. They slew, burned and kidnapped - caused havoc in the church of God. They were feared. They were the Raiders from the North. They were Vikings. * "He was a son of a king, he was Thor personified, he was almighty." * Hermione lives a god fearing, quiet life in Iona, but her world is upended when Vikings attack her village.

  • let my heart bleed out till' there's nothing left

    Sirius Black, the most eligible bachelor of Hogwarts. Venetia Jones, the most popular girl in school. Will the competition between them ever end? With the war and dangers awaiting them post-graduation and dark wizard on the loose.

  • Get Up!

    It's their last year at Hogwarts. Last chance to be teenagers, the last chance to be irresponsible and childish. It's a story of love and disappointment, friendship and betrayal, happiness and pain but most of all it's a story about children thrown in the middle of a raging war. (Title comes from the song "Get Up" by Shinedown)

  • Unexpected

    Sirius Black doesn't do double dates. Until he does. And it all gets weird. Rated M just in case.

  • I'd live thousand lives

    Killian is looking for a perfect ring.

  • Rest, sailor !

    Sea washes Billy up the beach in Nassau. It's Kathleen's duty to take care of him and bring him to his finest as soon as possible. Rated T for now, will eventually lead to M in later chapters.

  • Halloween in Storybrooke

    A little Captain Swan Halloween fluff. And a little bit of Daddy!Killian.