

  • Frightening Mysteries

    Magic runs rampant in the Scottish Highlands...

  • Long Gone Memories

    The first meeting between Constantine and someone he should remember, but never gets the chance. It's safer that way, for both of them...

  • Ever Present

    After sending away one of the only people who've been able to keep his erratic mind calm in order to keep her safe, how will Klaus come to terms with her return when everything in NOLA is getting so much more dangerous than before? Originals Book 2

  • Something Wicked This Way Comes

    In their world, nothing is ever what it seems. Strangers become friends, friends become enemies and enemies have become allies. Everything constantly changes, so they rely on the things -the people- that they've known the longest to stay sane. But what happens when their constant begins to waver? T for language but will most likely change.

  • Long Nights

    Ahkmenrah finds something new at the British Museum.

  • Everything Comes Back Around

    After the movie. With their faces made public, Tuck and FDR are sent back to their desks until the mess can be cleaned up. In the midst of the change, an old friend resurfaces and adds a nice balance of normalcy. Unfortunately, with their exposure on the national news, a new light is shined on the two agents making it easy for their enemies to seek revenge. T for language.

  • The Veil Between Love and Hate

    Everyone has pasts they're running from, secrets they don't want anyone to know, and somehow they always find their way to Mystic Falls. The small town is poison and draws the people willing to suffer to it. Rated T for now because of later chapters but is subject to change. The story moves from the Vampire Diaries to the Originals.

  • Haunted

    Everyone has a past, a beginning, that's always lingering in the periphery of their life. But that's not always where it stays...