Scraps the Fool

  • Lucky 17

    John is a man who lives a simple life like anyone else. But unlike some people, he has a certain taste for life. A taste that will lead him to Camp Weedonwantcha, where he will understand the relationship between a predator and their prey.

  • Everyone Makes Mistakes Part 2: A Girl and Her Lion

    Four Months after the "Pearl Incident", Connie is coping with the loss of Steven. However, when an evil force arrives to finish what it started, it is up to this young woman, her lion, and the surviving Crystal Gems to stop this threat and save the Universe.

  • Pink and White

    Two whole months since they lost the battle of the bands and the chance to rule the world, once a trio of sirens known as The Dazzlings, now reduced to tone-deaf students of Canterlot High. However, despite the situation, at least two of the three were off to a good start. Adagio on the other hand...that is a completely different story.

  • Everyone Makes Mistakes

    What happens when a simple date takes a unexpected turn and what happens when a certain someone finds out. Prepare yourself for a tale about conspiracy, passion, and a murder most foul.

  • Bill Snaps: The Story of the Hill Family Massacre

    For years, every one of Bill Dauterive's so called "friends", especially his idol, Hank Hill, considered him a burden and a joke. For years, He had always repressed the building rage from the years of insults and abuse, but now he will realized that Rage is a powerful energy that, with diligent practice, can be transformed into fierce compassion.

  • Tendancies of a Lyncanthope

    This is the story of a semi-demented pony and the doctor who fights for her freedom.