
  • Request- Scotland Shuts Down Hogwarts

    As a prank, Scotland pretends to have paperwork to shut down Hogwarts to see how England would react. But England takes the prank a little too seriously.

  • Request - Bad Touch Toddlers

    The BTT have been turned into babies and Germany has to look after them until the spell wears off. Rated T for swearing.

  • Complexity of England

    A poem "written" by America

  • Hogan's Hetalians

    A crossover between Hetalia and Hogan's Heroes (It's alright if you haven't seen it, most of it is explained anyway). The Unsung Heroes' latest mission brings them into contact with some rather peculiar individuals.

  • Lost in My Dreams

    Germany has a recurring nightmare- or at least he hopes it's just a nightmare- his worst nightmare. His love, a riddle, and death. Germany isn't even sure which is the real world anymore... GerIta, trauma, gore, character death, etc.

  • Blood Under the Bridge (OLD!)

    Alfred moves to England for work, but falls for a very strange man named Arthur. Matt has always been a good judge of character- and the one who decides who Alfred is allowed to date, but what of Arthur? It's been years since Arthur let someone into his life, let alone his heart, but Alfred may be just the one to help Arthur move on from the past. VampireUK Lemon Non-con USUK UKUS

  • Blood and Cupcakes

    2 or 3 shot fic. Vampire!Romania X 2p!England.

  • The Secret Hidden in Russia's Basement

    Russia always confused many of the other countries with his strange personality, but when he slips up and says something outrageous, everyone can't help but to be a little curious. Their curiosity deepens when mystery after mystery pile up and their findings only make Russia even more confusing! But once the truth is revealed, the countries fear that the world may never be the same

  • A Vacationer's Delight (OLD!)

    WILL BE RE-WRITTEN because this is crap.