

  • The Walking Herondale Disaster

    Jace Will Ducks Must I say more?

  • The University of Storybrooke

    Back in the Enchanted Forest, before Regina's curse Rumpelstiltskin finds another way to our world: through a portal. Determined to find Baelfire Rumple and Belle jump through but it all goes wrong. They end up in collage in Maine and all Belles memories have been replaced with a new life, not involving Rumple. Heartbroken, He must find away to get Belle back and find his son.

  • That time Hook got drunk and tried to light fireworks

    It's the 4th of July in Storybrooke and David and Hook decide to celebrate but it doesn't go as planned... Just a one-shot fluff piece for the 4th, enjoy and don't forget to review!