
  • Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    MAJOR SPOILERS FOR RECENT MANGA EVENTS! (Specifically Chapters 1053-1058, with reference to events in Chapter 956 and Episode 957 of the anime). Shanks x Fem!Buggy. Buggy the Clown has gotten herself into a bit of trouble with some of her peers and can't find a way out - it's a good thing she has Shanks as a boyfriend to help her with her sticky situation. One shot.

  • Tomfoolery (A Clowning Around Story)

    ShanksxFem!Buggy! With the Buggy and Red Hair Pirates all together, Buggy has to juggle all of her relationships while also praying that her friends don't tease her too much. A lazy day at the beach seems like just the right thing to relax, but having a boyfriend like Shanks and friends like Alvida and Galdino, things are bound to get embarrassing. Smut, sequel to Joking Aside.

  • Joking Aside (A Clowning Around Story)

    ShanksxFem!Buggy! While on the Red Force, Buggy and Shanks have had quite the time together and have grown attached to each other. While Shanks has always been more open with his affections, Buggy has always been a little difficult to pin down. With some big changes headed their way, can the stubborn woman be honest both with him and with herself? Smut, sequel to Let's Misbehave.

  • Let's Misbehave (A Clowning Around Story)

    ShanksxFem!Buggy! To pass the time, the captains aboard the Red Force have some fun gambling - betting pranks, and punishment that both of their crews enjoy. However, Buggy's and Shanks' bets take a turn for the unexpected and things get a little spicy. Smut, sequel to Shenanigans.

  • Shenanigans (A Clowning Around Story)

    ShanksxFem!Buggy. When the crew of Red-Haired Shanks and the former inmates of Buggy the Clown stop at an island for a break, they are battered by several storms. While getting through the trouble should be easy enough, with Buggy and Shanks, things are always a bit complicated. Smut, part of a series.

  • Monkey Business

    ShanksxFem!Buggy. Buggy has been on the Red Force for a while now and she wants some alone time away from her adoring underlings. She finds a place to hide, only to be discovered by Shanks, who has some ideas of his own on what to do with alone time. Also involves an island trip, some violence, property damage and running away from authority figures. Sequel to Clowning Around.

  • Island Hopping

    ZoroxLuffy. As captain and crew journey through their many adventures, we'll be taking peeks into the little moments that pop up in Luffy's and Zoro's lives. There will be a little love, a bit of worry, a dash of anger and frustration, and a whole lot of excitement as these two find their crewmates and find places in each other's hearts. Fluff and other good stuff!

  • Here We Go Again

    AU Fem!Kotetsu/Barnaby. The sequel to "High School Never Ends," this shorts series follows our dynamic duo through what happens after the series ends. Filled with dating, throwing up, weddings, Latin hips, lots and lots of kissing, motorcycles, hyper toddlers, cake, dashing suits, sexy dresses and a strangely bizarre amount of rabbit themed gifts! Rev up for crazy times! On hiatus.

  • Addiction

    Fem!Watanuki! Watanuki has been able to see spirits for as long as she could remember and one day she meets a mysterious woman who says she can grant the girl's wish to be free of them, but at a price. The seer is then forced to work in the witch's shop as payment and also team up with a guy she hates and a black fur ball she wants to cook. But it's all just inevitability...

  • Journée des Cœurs: Day of Hearts

    Fem!Watanuki/Doumeki. Established relationship. Valentine's Day fluff for our favorite couple along with the fabulous Yuko! Full of sweets, love and the occasional spirit, Valentine's Day is special no matter who Watanuki spends it with. (One shot)

  • Chodo Shitsumon: Just Ask

    Slight AU (You'll see what I mean). Fem!Watanuki x Doumeki. Watanuki's always been stubborn when it comes to asking for help and Doumeki's always there to make sure she knows he's there for her. (One shot)

  • Turn of the Year

    Fem!Watanuki. Saying farewell to the Old Year and ushering in the New...a party at Yuko's shop gets a little chaotic with all the unexpected guests! Slight Watanuki/Doumeki

  • Shizuka na Hibi: Quiet Days

    Fem!Watanuki/Doumeki Sight AU (you'll see what I mean). Three snapshots into Watanuki's and Doumeki's days were not a lot goes on...because everyone needs their quiet days.

  • Christmas Cake

    Fem!Watanuki/Doumeki! Established relationship. Watanuki is spending Christmas alone until someone makes a pit-stop.

  • The Man at the Crossroads

    Fem!Watanuki/Doumeki: Watanuki doesn't want to walk to school with Doumeki when Yuko urges her too, but on the way to school she meets a spirit four times and loses something important. Now it's up to Doumeki, Watanuki and Yuko to repair the damage before its too late.

  • A Thank You for a Thank You

    Fem!Watanuki/Doumeki drabble. Oneshot. Watanuki wants to find some way to thank Doumeki (because the guilt is eating at her, not because she likes him, thank you very much!) but is having a hard time actually doing it!

  • Streaking and Flashing

    Fem!Watanuki/Doumeki: As payment for a job, Yuko's bathroom is transformed into a hot spring, once again defying human notions of time and space. The gang is invited over for the one night compensation and see more than they want too! (or do they?)

  • High School Never Ends

    AU Fem!Kotetsu/Barnaby. Tetsuko has to repeat her senior year of high school for various reasons and has to do it alone, without her wingman Antonio. Making new enemies and destroying school property are all in a day's work, but when she's put on the Public Relations Committee with Hall Monitor Barnaby Brooks Jr., fur is going to fly!