Rukia Siry

  • In This Promised Era

    It took thirteen days for them to come together, and it takes thirteen days for them to find each other again, nearly nine hundred years later. And then who knows how long to realize exactly how twisted this whole circumstance is. Ensemble cast, Reincarnation AU.

  • Introspection

    They are Fairy Tail's strongest team - their past and their future, captured in one shared moment within the inevitable march of time.

  • Reason to Fight

    "You want to challenge God, don't you? Then I'll be your final test." It's the thirteenth day, and Hope isn't going down without a fight. AU.

  • To Find Tomorrow

    The heroes that fought for centuries don't get happy endings, you see. They're brought back, over and over until their souls lose their luster and their hearts fade to gray. The hopes and the dreams disappear, and then all that's left is icy regret. Fantasy AU.

  • Dances Bright

    Hope plays, Vanille dances, and no one is entirely sure how or why it happened. AU-ish.

  • Across the Distance

    Regardless of lies and mistakes and disappearances, she's the idealist who believes that one day, they can make everything right. Spin of conversation between AB/Kaiser in-game.

  • In Another Life

    They're really the same as they've ever been.

  • Days of Our Lives

    In which Yellow gets drunk, Blue joins in, Red is confused, and Green just wants to dive in a hole.