
  • Darling Dolly, Handsome Horace

    Horace and Dolly Vandergelder during their second year of marriage. All fluff, just cute romantic little tales. Takes place from both points of view. Dedicated to Walter Matthau.

  • It was always you

    The professor and Mary Ann realize they love each other, but as always, take FOREVER in admitting it. Do these two need the help of interfering matchmakers, or can they figure it out on their own? As story dedicated to a beautiful friendship and Russell Johnson. Please review!

  • It's over, it's done, it's goodbye

    Hawkeye's thoughts as Margaret Houlihan leaves. There was always something there, but it took him too long to realize it. A story of love, loss, hope, and moving on. Please rate and review! This is a one shot

  • From a brilliant mind

    The professor is fed up! But as he goes off to come down, he analyzes his feelings for his fellow island mates, and makes some surprising discoveries. In memory of russell Johnson.

  • What if?

    Eliza comes back to Higgins, but all is not what it seems. Can Higgins have a second shot at the love he almost lost, or will he blow the last chance he's going to get? This is my first fanfiction, so please review.

  • Tony got run over by a reindeer An Avengers Christmas

    The Christmas season has come upon the avengers, and Pepper wants Tony to have a big sit down dinner and party with the family on Christmas Day...Which includes the Avengers, Jane, Darcy, Selvig, Coulson, Nick Fury, etc. The problem is, the team is having issues "getting in the spirit." Can this group of bah humbugs have their attitudes turned around by a simple idea of Thor's?

  • The White Knight and his Maiden

    My take on what happened after the end of "White Christmas." Bob and Betty have reunited, but there are questions that need to be answered, and a future to figure out. Read to find out what happens next!

  • Fossilized love

    A story of Alan and Ellie. They obviously both have a thing for each other, but will either of them admit it?

  • That's what woods are For A continuation of the Tale

    After the curtain falls, what is in store for the survivors of the woods? Will a wifeless Baker and a beautiful young process find what they need in each other? Will a sad young lad and a knife wielding girl help the adults from a family? Will they ever have to venture into the woods again? Read to find out!

  • Through my eyes he has a soul

    Takes place during Raiders in the infamous tent scene. But what if Indiana didn't come back? What if Marion had nowhere to run? And what if Belloq was a good man deep down? Watch as these two frenemies turn into something more, and watch how each misadventure strengthens the impending bond between two people from opposite worlds

  • It was Always YouPlus two!

    Mary Ann and the Professor are back and better than ever! Now that all the castaways have been rescued, the whole crew gets back into the routine of living a normal life. Follow Mary Ann and Roy through their married life, with some exciting new elements being added to the family! Sequel to the story, "It was Always You." Set one and a half years after them being rescued.

  • Maybe I love you Maybe

    A typical MMAD fic. Albus and Minerva have loved each other for so long. Will they finally admit their feelings one "maybe" at a time? (You'll understand once you read.) Dedicated to Richard Harris and one of my former English teachers. T because I'm paranoid. Nothing in this story is of mature content.