
  • Vertigo

    Malik is not having a very merry Christmas and Pascal has impulse control issues. Also they do not have A Thing, thank you very much.

  • Sandpaper

    Rita's not a gentle person, not by nature and certainly not by nurture either. It's not a big deal, she supposes. Lots of people in the world aren't nice or friendly or sweet; not like Estelle who can light up a room with her smile or Karol who, now that he has some confidence to him can make nice and make friends with the best of them. Not like Judith either.

  • Kiss and Tell

    Rita tosses the empty bottle back and forth between each hand, eyeing Estelle and Yuri with a speculative stare. "Let's play spin-the-bottle," she says decisively and the room falls silent with shock, horror, and no small amount of interest. A few yards away, Karol starts choking on his chips. Rita ignores him. "Live a little, pussywillows."

  • Recoil

    Breaking Alexei's control over Estelle doesn't make things okay. In fact, it makes them worse. Everything has a price, but the price of stopping Estelle may prove to be too high for Yuri to pay.

  • Honesty Is The Best Policy

    In which Estelle is shady as hell and Yuri's a liar...also known as That Time Estelle Found Out About That Whole Stabbing Thing.

  • Centrifugal

    Rita gets rejected. Surprisingly, it's Judy who picks up the pieces.

  • Chamomile

    Estelle has a complicated and possibly unhealthy relationship with Raven but she can't deny that he makes a really good cup of tea.

  • Hale

    Ken the Kaiser had been a total douche but Ken the teenaged Digidestined is, like, the sweetest guy Davis has ever met. This is actually a pretty serious problem.

  • Nightshade

    The war is over, and Harry, sick of magic in general, works in the psychiatric ward in a children's hospital. However, he meets his first, and most unusual patient. A young boy of only ten, who sees the most terrible things. Things no one else can see.