

  • Sasurin

    Tsubaki Sasuke entered Kaimei Gakuen on his 3rd year of high school to follow his long lost twin brother. What happens when he met Unyu? Will he b able to save her from her fear of men? TsubakixUnyu slight TsubakixDaisy. Gomen for the title T.T got no better idea.

  • Our Little World

    Semua disatukan oleh kecemburuan XO judul fanfiction ini dipilih oleh temanku Olivia-san :3 ceritanya agak klise plus OOC.. T.T maaf gak bisa summary. YukixSwitch MomokaxKiri BossunxHimeko

  • Bossman

    Bossun dan Roman disuruh kerja bakti sosial XO bisakah mereka menghadapinya? Cover image bukan punyaku!

  • Summer

    Kaimei Gakuen libur musim panas selama bulan Juli. Mudah-mudahan suka ya.. Maaf aku gak bisa summary.. ;)

  • Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

    Switch built a time machine and Bossun, Momoka, Himeko and Switch are the first one to test it. Weirdest fic. One-shot. DLDR XD