
  • Cindy-Ella and the Four Turtles

    Cindy and Ella are twins that get sucked into the TMNT universe. On top of that, something about their dimensional travel is making their worst injuries open up. And they OF COURSE can't help but fall for the turtles of their choice. Rated T for somewhat disturbing injuries and fights. You know... The USE. Mikey X OC and Raph X OC.

  • Nicky Lee: Biting the Dust

    Nicky Lee/Tunnel Rat is kidnapped, beat up, and left in the woods to die. He then meets the magor characters from G. I. Joes: Renegades. Not to mention his new friends Wolf and Spider Monkey. Rated T for Teen.

  • Pain Plain and Simple

    Tunnel Rat is blamed for something that HE DIDN'T DO! He then sets of into the forest alone to think some stuff out. And cry. Definitely cry. He is then found and comforted by an old friend. Three old friends, actually. But, not everything is how it seems. Better then it sounds. READ ON!

  • Birds of a Feather

    Deliliah knows Bucky, HYDRA, and just about every underground mutant involvement. She has to. She is a mutant. And she is more dear to The Winter Soldier then anyone could ever geuss. Daddy!Winter Soldier, Big Brother!NightCrawler, Uncle/Mentor!Angel And let's not forget her best friend, Anna Molly!

  • Fire, Water, and Harpie

    2 girls found themselves on the beach 5 years before the team was founded. they found another girl 2 years later. How is the newer girl connected to the team? Where are the first 2 girls from? How is the Justice League related to their past? first season younger!jamie