
  • They Who Call

    Summoners or Scions, Eidolons or Aeons, different names for the same things. Two boys are born with a power potentially greater than crests, a power that is hated by the people of Fodlan and condemned by the church. Hiding their gifts, their paths cross and merge as Dedue and Raphael work out how to survive in a world that reviles them. AU featuring summonings from Final Fantasy.

  • Healing From Darkness

    Khan left many wounds and not just on Jim Kirk. With Pavel blaming himself no-one can convince him it wasn't his fault as Jim recovers. The efforts of someone out with the crew may be able to change that. Contains Spoilers for the second movie.

  • The Darkness From Before Darkness

    Pavel Chekov had experienced darkness long before Nero or Khan but few aboard the Enterprise know this. This darkness returns and with it comes a series of events that could prove fatal as Pavel's past collides with his present in a struggle for his future. Contains a bit of whump.

  • Dysfunctional Family

    A collection of one-shots, drabbles and other stories about the family of the USS Enterprise.

  • Youngest

    The youngest on the Enterprise is now even younger. Leaving the crew dealing with a de-aged Pavel.

  • Care

    Where Pavel is ill and the Command Crew look after him.