
  • Burn Out

    One of the team has a problem. He doesn't want his friends involved or in danger but it might just be too big to handle alone. Pre-series but only by a few years. Rated K only because of mentions of violence and drugs (not used by the main characters).

  • A New Loyalty

    Isaac has some unfinished business with Derek. Set anytime during season 3 after Derek throws Isaac out of the loft.

  • Escaping Oblivion

    The pack is in shambles after the deaths of Allison and Aiden. Instead of reveling in Stiles freedom they are reeling with the losses. When Scott re-emerges from his own hiatus from life, can he pull them back together or is the damage irreparable? Is it possible to fully recover from the damage left behind? Follows 3b. Includes majority of characters.