Mai Ascot

  • Many Tales to Tell

    Every single HP character is given a ficlet, small or big in canon, they are all listed and written about in alphabetical order by a mad author who's in way over her head. Enjoy!

  • Always Second Best

    AU; When two very different boys go to Hogwarts, nobody would think that they were twins. Charlus Potter is the spoiled Gryffindor BWL raised by his parents, and Harry Potter is a down to earth Ravenclaw, raised by Death. Wrong BWL, Full Summary Inside.

  • Halloween

    Crookshanks hates Halloween. Hints of HHr if you squint.

  • Celebrate The People

    Celebrate the people who deserve to be celebrated. Celebrate Queen Elizabeth II. Happy Diamond Anniversary Your Majesty! James S. Potter can't see the point of cebebrating the muggle Queen. His father enlightens him and his six year old cuteness.

  • scream if you want to go faster

    -"...he had grinned and said to scream if she wanted to go faster" My first attempt at Free Verse. Constructive criticism needed. Accident inside.

  • She Heard

    "Something's about to burst forth from Eloise Midgen... but I don't think it's a swan." What if Eloise heard this comment, and many others? What would go through the mind of poor Eloise Midgen?

  • Perfect

    Songfic, F**kin' Perfect by Pink. Remus Lupin and 'Dora Tonks. Absolutely Perfect, in every way. T for language.

  • Never Grow Up

    There was a ghost in the cupboard. The ghost wasn't scary. The ghost said that it's name was Harry, Harry James Potter. Olivia had stared for a while. Then she had yelled for her Dad. AU What if the Dursley's went too far? What if Harry never grew up?

  • Not a Nice Man

    A look into the life of Argus Filch, and how he became the cruel man he is to this day. Rated K . Drabble.

  • They Steal Children

    Petunia Dursley's reflections on her nephew, her sister, that crackpot old fool and what the wizards do when magical children reach eleven years old. No pairings or slash. Oneshot. Rated K .

  • What Happened to Bella Black?

    He had automatically stepped backwards. The smallest of steps, really. Bellatrix looks back on her and Sirius's relationship. Bella Black missed him more than anything. Bellatrix Lestrange wasn't so sure. Yet another oneshot. T because I'm paranoid.