Forever A Fool of Fortune

  • Dear Harry

    Hermione bares her soul in a letter to Harry before his wedding.

  • Lyin' Eyes

    Cho Chang life is said to be perfect. And it seems perfect, until you look into her eyes. Her lying eyes.

  • No Such Thing

    Harry, and that lovely magic that he does. PreHogwarts. Drabble.

  • Revenge is Best Served Cold

    Snape finally getting revenge on Harry. SHORT.

  • In the Tower

    Sirius, Remus and Peter lock James and Lily in a tower over Christmas Break. They don't have anything except a bit of food and the passion within themselves. And right now, they're just letting it out.

  • Charming Lily Evans

    You could only make me go out with you if you were charming or put a charm on me! And that is exactly what James Potter is going to do.

  • Uncle Vernon's Socks

    Harry is going through his trunk when he finds them. His old life. DRABBLE.

  • Helping Heads

    Remus and Sirius overhear Lily and James having some... trouble upstairs.

  • Oblivious

    Lily Evans and James Potter have always been oblivious to how they feel about each other. Now, they're getting a kick in the butt, and surprises await them.

  • Breaking the Barrier

    The first hug before he ever left our walls of just nothing friends, into something more. And we will be more I'll make sure of that. My mother always said I was a determined little girl. Mums, I'm going to make you proud.

  • Finding Her

    Valentine's Day is in one hundred days, eleven hours, 41 minutes, and thirty-seven seconds. Not that I'm keeping track or anything...

  • Pretend

    When you were a child, didn’t you ever play pretend? That you were a princess that lived in a castle? That Prince Charming would come and save you when the dragons came? My Prince Charming saved something from the dragons, but it wasn’t me.

  • Stay Close

    The Final Battle is here. He's come for Harry. Now we have to battle it out, face to face, and nothing is standing in their way. Except me Hermione Granger. They thought they knew who I was before, but they haven't seen anything yet.