
  • Primrose

    When a girl comes looking for an old friends help, will the team except her as there own? Or will they see her as an obvious threat and want her to go away? Find out who she really is and what she can do? Maybe a bit of romance... (BEING REWRITTEN)

  • Drake's Story

    Fem!Timothy Follow Timmi, a normal Girl who has an unusual home life. Her brothers are just plan weird. Her dads even weirder. And her baby sitter! dont even get me started! So she maybe normal...ish... but will her family change that! Will she become a bat?

  • Gypsy

    When a girl with ties to the Birds of Prey gets taken by the Injustice League, what happens? Does the team save her. If so, will she join the team? I am super bad a summaries. HIATUS!

  • Alice Just Alice

    So this is me. Alice, Just, Alice. Okay, so yeah, I am totally socially awkward, and I daydream a lot. So what? Okay, so you caught me, I was sleeping in class, big deal. It's only because I was up all night! Why you ask. Let's just say I live a double life. Why? Cuz Life Is Complicated. Especially complicated when a certain Boy Blunder comes into ones life. ON HIATUS!

  • Cheshire: A Disappearing Cat

    What happens when a girl interests Charles? She has a background though that could endanger the team. So who is her family? Why is she so scared of Riptide? ON HIATUS! trying to figure out how to continue this story!

  • Trust

    What happens when a girl from Fitz, Simmons, and Coulson's past shows up? Will she be a threat? Will she turn out to be part of Hydra? WARNING: Some spoilers for upcoming episodes. What about Ward? Is he going to be a problem? SkyWard Philinda ON HIATUS!

  • Spiderwoman

    So she doesn't know who she is or where she is. All she knows is that there are these nagging memories in the back of her head and that shes suppose to be Spiderwoman. Will she find the people i her memories? Will she see the person who actually witnessed the events in person?

  • A Writer, A Detective, and A Vigilante?

    What happens when a murder takes place in a circus? How does a kid figure out that there is a pattern? Will The Young Justice team get in the way or help out the case? Even though there mysteriously absent one member. Where is Robin? Why Does this "Snotty Rich Kid" (A name mentally give to him by Conner and Esposito) act like he knows so much about the team? ON HIATUS!