

  • Useless Multi-Headed Shark

    "I want to know if the Helen Magnus who wined and dined me at the Hotel Mira-Florez in 1902 was you.. or the other you?" Because sometimes deleted scenes leave something needing to be said. Work in progress, there is more to say. Just will come in between other ideas because I need to hash it out in my head.

  • Katharine Patricia

    Helen reflects on the past year and a half, her relationship with Nikola, and the life-changing event they have experienced. Just the start of an AU series I have had flying around in my head.

  • And Tomorrow, We Begin Again

    Helen Magnus has just revealed the new Sanctuary to Will. Now it is time to track down the rest of her team and family and start anew.

  • After Cartagena

    "He kept one of the larvae didn't he?" "Oh most definitely." "You gonna let him get away with it?" "No, let him enjoy his moment." How did Helen get the multipede larva from Nikola? Spoilers for Trail of Blood. R&R

  • Fairgrounds and Nubbin Mischief

    Nikola and Helen take their daughter to the fair. Then Nikola gets into some trouble trying to distract Katie from begging for a puppy. A lockdown ensues, and it is NEVER a good idea to give nubbins sugar. A non-smutty nubbin fic? Yes it's possible! Please R&R

  • Kiss Me and I'll Save Your Life

    She kissed him in Rome, they had a deal. Four years later, she kissed him again, and then she saved his life.