A.A. Pessimal

  • The Price of Flight

    In which flight-minded Witch Olga Romanoff gets a very big challenge. Can she fly this? A spin-off from "Strandpiel"

  • The works night out

    In which a group of people working for the same Employer decide on where to eat on a Friday nighr.

  • Bertrand's Teapot

    In which Ford Prefect meddles with an eminent philosopher's thought-experiment

  • Strandpiel, Book Two

    The continuation of the saga of interlocking families and friends, spread across at least two continents.

  • Facebook Shorts written for the Times

    Collected short pieces originally written for a Facebook group ("The Ankh-Morpork Times - News of the Disc") To be added to as I retrieve them. A series (eventually) of very short chapters.

  • Negligient Discharge

    In which Hogswatch comes twice and an Anthropomorphic Personality discovers a complication of the modern age. Irena Politek gets a happy Hogswatch.

  • johnny and the Cars

    Not sure where to put this. There isn't a separate category for "Johnny Maxwell" books. Going by author, I've bunged it in "Discworld", even though it doesn't quite fit here. But the idea came at me whilst reading about "driverless cars" being trialled on British streets. Where else but Blackbury, Lancashire...

  • A Bird's Eye View

    What Gandalf should really have asked Radagast about the habits of Eagles. An alternative and rather premature ending to LOTR written in an, err, more Terry Pratchett style.

  • Love and the Widow (pair the spares)

    Lynbrook and Queens are neighbouring districts of New York City. People living there have got extended networks of friends. These networks overlapped in two hit TV comedy shows. What happened a few years after the cameras stopped rolling... bringing in hints from canon and inferences from events in-show. Ally Barone becomes our deadpan snarker narrator.

  • The Pinky-Swear

    Expanding on a Suspiciously Specific Denial made by Bernadette in-canon. Reflecting on current world affairs and wondering if Bernadette's famously relaxed attitude to lab discipline might have somehow contributed. And the need for a pinky-swear binding all parties, never to speak of this incident ever again, so long as we both shall live, amen.

  • The Prospectus

    how does the Assassins' Guild School sell itself to prospective parents? How does the place actually work, as a school? How many pupils? What REALLY happens to the ones who flunk out? how does it all fit on its one site? Read on. Thanks to TreacleMineRoad, who indirectly suggested it.