
  • Songstar's Battle

    My brother is out to kill me.Of course I wont let himStarclan is on my side after all.R&R

  • Double trouble

    A girl who looks no younger then 10 lans on thing is shes scared.R&R

  • Ice NIght

    5000 years ago the pharoh fought the evil.What no one knew is that two kids know as the magic sibillings survived the ey have one goal save the pharoh again even if it means your life.

  • Double Colored Twin

    Yugi is looking at a photograph and sees a mysteruis anwhile The yamis are in the afterlife.When a girl shows up promising she can help them,Will they take a chance to trust thisgirl who could be evil?R&R

  • sorry

    Inuyasha did something he regrets so he wrote arcter death

  • Our life

    My friends and me...We are a team.A team made up of 2 demons,2 almost full demons and a shimgami.We never thought we would have to see our fathers again.I guess we thought wrong

  • New girl at star high,Who is she

    I know I have to keep my secret but there are sayians here...If they find out...I'm dead literaly! Please R&R Sorry if I messed up the highschools name...Goten x Oc

  • Mistress and Maid

    My sister and I thought of this and uploaded it on my this story Trancy is NOT gay.R&R

  • Opertion-DEMI

    Different in every way.9 teenagers have to make a team to survie the world.Of course mix in gods and goddess and a bunch of suprises!

  • Lunar DRagon

    "Big brother sAve me."I whispered as darkness covered me. R&R