

  • Płacząc dla Wygody

    Po uznaje, że ma zbyt dużo obowiązków i chciałby czasami być wyręczany. Jednak od czasu, gdy Po stał się Smoczym Wojownikiem wszyscy mają dosyć jego ciągłego lenistwa. Pewnego dnia przez przypadek Po odkrywa sposób, który może mu pomóc rozwiązać wszystkie jego dotychczasowe problemy. Jednak jakie będą ostatecznie konsekwencje jego zachowania? Dowiecie się w Płacząc dla Wygody (...)

  • Feast of Ghosts

    It's Feast of Ghosts and Po had planned on evening one interesting game. But what will happen, if the fun will out of control? What is it that game? I know it short summary, but you'll know as you'll read. Enjoy and please review.

  • Is it the end of Kung Fu, after this all?

    After this, as Po defeated Tai Lung. Something went wrong, happened something horrible, something...what will change all. No one can't repair this...Nothing won't such like before. What will with Po? And what with the Furious Five, after this terrible event. And if this time Po will able to save China...and primarily save Kung Fu? Enjoy and please review.

  • Kung Fu Panda 4 - My Idea

    Po and Tigress are, in finally a happy a pair, after events, which had place in November, doesn't have trace. They both very hard training, for what, they will be rewarded. Po plans his future with Tigress,she however no is confident what to this idea, because she knows, what consequences can have, her choice. In addition, events, which had place in past. The rest in inside ...