Dana Keylits

  • The Bend In The Road

    A 6X23 Drabble insert for the final scene in which Beckett is faced with the possibility of life without Castle. Or, is she? Spoiler: Episode 6X23. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Castle characters or settings. I just think about them a lot.

  • Passions Push

    A birthday present for Kristy, this post Watershed story takes Kate on a little trip to her past, while inexplicably helping her sort out her future. A Caskett story with SLASH elements. Disclaimer: I do not own the Castle characters, they belong to Andrew W. Marlowe; or Bette Porter, who is the brainchild of Ilene Chaiken.

  • Roar!

    An anon reviewer told me I used the word 'roar' too much. So, I wrote this. Inspired by the events in 7x03, Clear and Present Danger. I own nothing, but I'd love to open up the genius mind of AWM and have a looksee. Spoilers for 7X03.

  • Naughty Richard

    Inspired by Stana's tweet, I wrote this little one-shot as a re-imagining of the interrogation scene in 1x01. Disclaimer: I am unaffilated with AWM and ABC, and do not own Castle, Beckett or the universe in which they live, love and play. Enjoy.

  • Creepy Snowman

    My submission for the Castle Fanfic Writers Guild Drabble Challenge. Use one word (snowman) in each sentence of the story. Limit of 500 words. Don't own the characters, just using them for my own twisted amusement.

  • Passions Present: Christmas Surprise

    AU set during Season 2. Castle unwittingly gives Kate the perfect idea for surprising Bette on Christmas Eve. Slash. Femslash. Set in the Passions Present universe. Disclaimer: I do not own nor profit from the characters Bette (L Word), Kate and Castle (Castle). I'm just playing with them. :-) Spoilers: None. MERRY CHRISTMAS, KRISTY!

  • Off The Beaten Path

    A ThankYouTerri prompt fill. Please see the A/N at the end of the story for the prompt. And, Thank you to all who have participated in this amazing endeavor, especially Kate Christie and Dia. Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just playing with them. Spoilers: Up to 7X10.

  • Clear and Present

    A 7x03 post-ep that picks up right where the show left off. I own nothing, I am simply borrowing from the genius mind of AWM.

  • New Trend In Men's Swimwear

    A crackfic celebrating the teeny tiny new trend in Men's swimwear. Enjoy. Disclaimer: I do not own Castle or Beckett, or anything even remotely related to Castle, except for the 2014 Calendar and the DVDs, which probably don't count for the purposes of this disclaimer.

  • Suspend Your Disbelief

    Could also be called "How Kate Went Fifteen Years Without Knowing She Was Married" SPOILERS: 6X23. DISCLAIMER: They aren't mine. They're Andrews. And, I can't wait to see what he does with them. :-)

  • Passions Present: Flowers For Your Grave

    In the Passions Universe. An AU look at Flowers For Your Grave. Kate is happily living with Bette, but what happens when Richard Castle enters her world? Slash, non-Caskett, & spoilers for 1X01. Though technically a crossover, since Bette is in Kate's world I'm not classifying it as such. Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or settings, they belong to AWM and Ilene Chaiken.

  • Ex Post Facto

    A one-shot inspired by the events in 6x17. AU in that it hasn't happened yet, and spoilers for everything up to 6x17. Bracken finally gets what's coming to him, but at what cost to Kate? Disclaimer: The characters and settings belong to AWM. I'm just playing with them for a bit.