
  • A spring and fall faerie

    "Mom, I've made my decision." I didnt know how I was going to say this to her. "I'm moving out" "But where are you gonna live? You'll be all alone." She looked at me "Mom you dont understand. Im going to move to Avalon with or without Tamani. Because I learned that I loved him more then any person in the world. He is the world to me and I'm not giving him up so easy" TEAM TAM

  • Hello, Im Clary

    My name is Clary. Me and my mom ran away from my father years ago. My mom went missing and I have been in the hands of Luke. He trains me and treats me like his daughter. Im 16. Thats when I have to take on the toughest demon I have ever heard. Mundane School. Will she figure out the other shadowhunters in the school? Will she find her mother? Eventually Clace



  • Faction high

    This isnt your normal faction high where Four and Tris fall in love instantly. Tris is a famous celebrity that wants a normal life. She changes everything and moves somewhere else. Will she like her new friends or not? What will happen when the gang finds out who she is? -Fourtris- *I am also thisisthefangirl on wattpad*

  • Shadowhunter high

    When Clary lived with the rest of the gang at the institue tens of demons came to the institute every day for her. For there protect she made a portal and ran far away. She had a different life for 2 years until they found her. -Clace-

  • Divergent High

    Tris is the new kid, well of course! When she was younger she had a friend, Tobias Eaton. She will eventually meet him. This isnt your regular Divergent high by the way. The end has a little twist. -Fourtris-