Quill Scribblings

  • As long as it takes

    In the midst of Raffin's moral dilemma, he and Bann make a promise by which they vow to overcome the obstacles in the way of their love. This has very little plot. It is just a thing. We need things for this fandom. WE NEED THINGS. Disclaimer: they're our boys, but they belong to Kristin Cashore.

  • these charming men

    You fall in love with the Denoir heir, you'd expect to get your heart broken, wouldn't you? Then why does he continue to surprise you? Is it because you didn't expect Sirius to love you back, Remus? An undesirable situation, a cunning plot, and a happy ending.

  • the chronicles of stars

    That's what happens when you listen to someone reading to you on an autumn day in a library, where books just know which ones are needed. Remus becomes a star, but Sirius is the one who's falling.

  • what shall be

    Oneshot - Remus has considered and braced himself for what life will be like when he is thirty, because by then he will know that his cardigans will have stopped being attractive on him. However, he has Sirius to assure him that... well...

  • Forever

    I'm just laying here, holding you and counting my blessings in the least romantic way possible. I say least but the I'd be lying. I'm just telling the sleeping form of you how permanent you are. How lasting.

  • Marauders Ride Again!

    Set in OUR time, the Marauders plus Lily essentially have fun, be stupid, rave like mad things and act like all teenagers, through 100 drabbles. Follow the Photograph Story and eat six fishfingers whilst you read this. Go on, you know you want to. Includes JPLE SBRL

  • Time of the Month

    Moony has a time of the month. It is not a girl's time of the month, thank you very much, although Pads does rather play a significant role in this. Pads will always be there for Moony. Drabble.

  • Last Page

    Remus is in the room his lover and best friend used to sleep in as a teenger. Sirius has one last thing to say to his Moony, and it's something his Moony may already know... Continuation of Memory, written for TechNomaNcer28.

  • Memory

    Sirius had something he desperately needed to say to his Moony. Something that he did not get the chance to say before his life ended, and he was forced to leave Remus. And one thing that Sirius wanted from his Remus: "Can I be your memory?"

  • The Day I Was Born

    Dedicated to Victoire, whose brithday, The second of May, is also the day the Battle of Hogwarts took place. Her reflections.