
  • One Hundred Percent

    Hermione is taking a test after school and gets a steamy surprise when the teacher leaves the room. She finds love in the most unexpected person and ends up getting a 100 on her test! Lemon; don't like it don't read it. 1st lemon: reviews would be nice!

  • When They Were Left Alone

    As teens, James and Sirius are alone in the house for the weekend and boys will be boys. But when James walks in on Sirius ... taking care of himself, their friendship will go to a whole new level. James/Sirius.

  • The Heat

    Hermione and Draco are part way through their Seventh Year, coping with their responsibilities as Heads whilst dealing with the animosity between each other. It's been tough but they've reached a silent truce. Now, relaxed by their evening fire, they realize things about each other that they had yet to let themselves dwell on. Their feelings run deeper than a mere truce.