
  • Frozen Guardians

    This is technically Jelsa but more accurately Jack X Elsa X Anna. This is not a romantic pairing but I urge you to read it anyway. Elsa and Anna weren't two of a pair of siblings, they were two of a trio. Jack gets back the rest of his memories and realizes that, in the rush to defeat Pitch, he missed out on the most important memory of all.

  • The Midnight Marauder

    Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs weren't the only mischief makers in Hogwarts the 7 years they lived there. Lily, Severus, Regulus, and several others lived and learned in that castle. And there might have been a reason to why Sirius never married; after all, some loves last forever. This is the eternal story of Hogwarts; Friendship, bravery, love, family and finding yourself.

  • Assembled Family

    The Avengers are good at saving the world...but they need a little bit of work when it comes to being parents. Even if it is only for a few short months. But any adult would find it difficult to be a parents to a children with a mutant x-gene, especially when they have never been given a reason to trust anyone my each other...