
  • Never Quite Lost

    AU. The battle had been short, the victory simple. And with Merlin's magic on their side, well, what was out there that they couldn't do? Destiny was fulfilled, Albion was born, and everyone was happy. Everything had been going their way. 'So why,' Arthur thought, 'did it all have to go so horribly wrong' Features baby!Merlin and caring!everybody. Not what you think.

  • A Turtle Divided

    After a mishap with the Kraang, something is definitely... different with Donnie. How will the Hamato clan deal with one of their biggest challenges yet- Donatello's multiple personalities?

  • That One Time When Someone Turned Them Down

    What would realistically happen during a routine 'stop-a-mugger-save-the-girl' night. Not to be taken seriously; ye be warned

  • Welcome

    Erm... what exactly are you supposed to say to your brand new baby brother again? 'Welcome, Sherlock? Psht, yeah right.

  • Old Friend

    AU. Meet David: a totally average, antisocial pet-store owner whose life has gone to crap. Now add a long-lost friend who happens to be one of the turtles David sold. Oh brother.