
  • Somewhere In The Night

    Part 3 of the 'Sometime' series, sequel to 'Some Enchanted Evening' - it will help if you've read that first, at least, even if you haven't read 'Some Day Soon'. Lemony candyfloss; please note the 'M' rating (hence sequel, not added chapter). E/S. Things take their natural course to the inevitable conclusion ;-)

  • Some Enchanted Evening

    Part 2 of the 'Sometime' Series, sequel to "Some Day Soon", but will make sense as a stand-alone. Eric and Sookie reach an understanding. WARNING: so sweet and fluffy it might rot your fangs. E/S.

  • Some Day Soon

    Part 1 of the 'Sometime' Series. Set during Definitely Dead, Eric visits Sookie at her house, and begins to understand her point of view. One-shot (followed by two sequels), and the rating is probably over-generous. E/S. Brief mention of her upcoming date with Quinn, but he doesn't actually appear, and isn't mentioned by name ;-)

  • Target Practice

    One-shot, set just after the end of Club Dead, Sookie follows through on her promise to teach Pam to fire a shotgun. The two of them conspire to make it an opportunity to tease Eric. NO FEMSLASH, just a lot of silliness. Implied E/S, minimal implied E/P, and minimal implied P/S only if you squint very hard. Rated T for the use of the gun and the implications...

  • Sweet Seduction

    Citrus fluff with minimal plot (you have been warned!) set at the end of Club Dead. Eric and Sookie work a few things out. E/S all the way (of course). It will eventually be 4 chapters long.

  • Light Of My Life

    E/S - a short one shot, set after 'Wonderful Christmas Time' (you do need to have read it first to understand this story). Eric enjoys his first non-harmful view of the sun for the best part of a thousand years. Rating is probably over-cautious, as this is really just a bit of fluff.